Victor Millán


Co-director of Fisiològic. Head of the Physiotherapy. Dry Needling. INDIBA. The Running Clinic's Specialist.

Carlos Vilella

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Codirector of Fisiològic. Head of Osteopathy (Fisiològic and Clinical Olivé Gumà). Osteopath CO (EOB). Osteopathy Specific Adjustment Technique (SAT).

Nico Moreno

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Osteopathy C.O. (EOB). ATM. Homeopathy and Nutrition.

Laura Álvarez

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Osteopath DO (Gimbernat - UAB). Pediatric osteopathy, gynecological and obstetrical.

Jose Luís Macías

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Osteopath CO (EOB). Classical Osteopathy. Cyclist biomechanical by RFEC

Rafael Guerra

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Osteopath D.O. (INOVA). Specialist in Clinical PNI and Regenerative Therapy (nutrition and supplementation).

Macarena Trujillo

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist (UIC). Nº 5596 Osteopath D.O. (EOB)

Daniel Pantaleón


Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en Terapia Manual Ortopèdica. Fisioteràpia esportiva i readaptació. Punció Seca.

Jordi Beltran

Osteópata, Physiotherapist

Fisioterapeuta. Osteopata C.O. (ECO) Osteopatía pediàtrica. Ganxos.

Thaïs Armengol


Reception and Administration.