– The day I get to shoot me recovery is very heavy. I just burst.
– When I run with a slower runner than I, I just more overloaded than ever.
– It seems to get tired more going slower than when I go to my normal pace.
How many times have you said, or have heard, similar to these words?
Not seem to have much logic in a lower intensity training have these feelings, but the truth is that in many cases it is. And especially in popular runners with a medium-high level of self-imposed, but have not gone through any school athletic.
The shooting of recovery is that we do after the competition or heavy training (series, long roll …), in order to help recover the tensions that have accumulated our muscles during this intense effort. Usually a not too long workout between 30-60 minutes, and at very lower than usual or, better yet, done without watching the clock rhythms. In them, the cardiac work is moderate, far from the anaerobic thresholds.
If we are not very careful with our running technique, habitual thing because it is a session in which we do not perceive the need to stay focused in training of this type are accustomed to change our way of running: then We move our center of gravity , increase the tendency to talonar, we reduce the cadence of our career … we change parameters that we move in different conditions (articular amplitudes, eccentric work …), and even the major muscles involved are others. So, that I work the same type but of lower intensity we wanted to do, it loses much of its essence.
For filming recovery more effective, we must try to run as similar as possible to the way we do when we train high pace or even in competition. For this, we send those inputs to our brain either consciously, keeping the focus on running technique, or forwarding information periodically. To avoid losing part of “enjoyment” of this relaxed training, we opted for this second option. And as practical ways to carry it out, we propose the following:
– Taxiing: Make a straight progression every 2 laps.
– Run with GPS: Program “automatic return” every 1km and make 50-75 meters in progression each time you jump around.
– Run without GPS: Accelerating pace 15-20 seconds every 5 minutes.
In the accelerations, we get about the feelings of the rhythm of competition 5-10km. Being short changes, pulsations must not rise more than 10-15 ppm and should easily return to the previous frequency. It is essential to take this into account to avoid altering the concept of cardiorespiratory training level.
What we propose here, it is based on raising Blaise Dubois, The Running Clinic, in its course “Prevention of injuries in the run”, so in our circle affectionately call this training “Running recovery to Canadian”. Blaise used it with the Canadian Olympic team, and we have tested both elite athletes and amateur runners with a good feeling.
We encourage you to try and bring forth your own conclusions!
Víctor Millán Marco
Fisioterapeuta. CFC 1281.
@fisiologic // @barceruel
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